Tomorrow morning, we say goodbye to Arrow; Ch. Xtacee Cowboys- N- Indians. Arrow will be boarding a plane for a VERY long ride to Alaska and will become a cornerstone for their breeding programs.
It was not an easy decision to make, to send Arrow that far away. Lisa and I had decided that we were ok with placing him. And, we had decided that he was way-to-nice to put in a pet home! (Finishing his Championship undefeated in 5 shows with 4 majors had "something" to do with that...) Arrow needed more attention then he was getting here, and yet didn't have the personality or the attitude to "make it" as a special in our very competative East Coast dog shows!
But... There is more to this strange turn of events that led Arrow to be Alaska bound...
Just about the time Arrow was born, my dear friend and Mentor, Marieann Gladstone judged in Alaska. Following her assignment, we talked about the entry, and she commented about a conversation she had with one of the exhibitors up there, and that she had suggested Arrow's father, Nicky, for their bitch. That breeding never came to pass, but as soon as I posted that Arrow was available, lo and behold, an email came from Alaska. I can't help but think that Marieann had something to do with putting this all together!!
I am excited about the opportunities for Arrow! He is such a quiet, unassuming dog. He doesn't ask for much of anything except love (and food), and gets along well with just about everyone. He has an exceptional pedigree that will work well for our breeders to the far north, so I am looking forward to seeing the influence he has on their puppies. And, I am very happy to have made new friends in Alaska~ maybe now I will have an excuse to go visit there someday!!
I just wish he didn't have to be in a crate for 20 hours to get there! Thats a really long time for a little-bit-spoiled Arrow!
Best Wishes, Michieal and Eric-- and Arrow!